Evolutionary Perspectives: Homologies and Analogies
Weiner, K.S., Balleine, B., Halassa, M.M., Izquierdo, A., Palomero-Gallagher, N., Rudebeck, P.H., Smaers, J.B., Robbins, T.W.
The Frontal Cortex: Organization, Networks, and Function.
Leveraging Input-Level Feature Deformation With Guided-Attention for Sulcal Labeling
Lee, S., Lee, S., Willbrand, E.H., Parker, B.J., Bunge, S.A., Weiner, K.S., Lyu, I.
IEEE Trans Med Imaging.
Unique longitudinal contributions of sulcal interruptions to reading acquisition in children
Bouhali, F., Dubois, J., Hoeft, F., Weiner, K. S.
Inferotemporal face patches are histoarchitectonically distinct
Oishi, H., Berezovskii, V. K., Livingstone, M. S., Weiner, K. S.*, Arcaro, M. J.*
Cell Reports
Transcriptomic contributions to a modern cytoarchitechtonic parcellation of the human cerebral cortex.
King, L., Weiner, K.S.
Brain Structure and Function
Emotion-related impulsivity is related to orbitofrontal cortical sulcation
Hastings, W.L. III, Willbrand, E.H., Kelly, J. P., Washington, S. T., Tameilau, P., Sathishkumar, R.N., Maboudian, S.A., Parker, B.J., Elliott, M.V., Johnson, S.L., Weiner, K.S.
Defining Overlooked Structures Reveals New Associations between the Cortex and Cognition in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease
Maboudian, S.A., Willbrand, E.H., Kelly, J.P., Jagust, W.J., Weiner, K.S.
Journal of Neuroscience
Sulcal variability in anterior lateral prefrontal cortex contributes to variability in reasoning performance among young adults
Willbrand, E.H., Jackson, S., Chen, S., Hathaway, C.B., Voorhies, W.I., Bunge, S.A., Weiner, K.S.
Brain Structure and Function
Ventral temporal and posteromedial sulcal morphology in autism spectrum disorder
Ramos Benitez, J., Kannan, S., Hastings, W.L., Parker, B.J., Willbrand, E.H., Weiner, K.S.
Updating the sulcal landscape of the human lateral parieto-occipital junction provides anatomical, functional, and cognitive insights
Willbrand, E.H., Tsai, Y., Gagnant, T., Weiner, K.S.
Neuroanatomical and functional dissociations between variably present anterior lateral prefrontal sulci
Willbrand, E.H., Bunge, S.A., Weiner, K.S.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Individual differences, missing sulci, and nomenclature: A comment on “On presentation of the human cerebral sulci from inside the cerebrum”
Willbrand, E.H., Parker, B.J., Weiner, K.S.
Journal of Anatomy
The hypothesis of fundal cognition
Weiner, K.S.
Nature Reviews Neuroscience
Sulcal morphology of posteromedial cortex substantially differs between humans and chimpanzees
Willbrand, E.H., Maboudian, S.A., Kelly, J.P., Parker, B.J., Foster, B.L., Weiner, K.S.
Communications Biology
Defining putative tertiary sulci in lateral prefrontal cortex in chimpanzees using human predictions
Hathaway, C.B., Voorhies, W.I., Sathishkumar, N., Mittal, C., Yao, J.K., Miller, J.A., Parker, B.J., Weiner, K.S.
Brain Structure and Function
Superficial white matter across the lifespan: volume, thickness, change, and relationship with cortical features
Schilling, K.G., Archer, D., Rheault, F., Lyu, I., Huo, Y., Cai, L.Y., Bunge, S.A., Weiner, K.S., Gore, J.C., Anderson, A.W., Landman, B.A.
Brain Structure and Function
Development of human lateral prefrontal sulcal morphology and its relation to reasoning performance
Willbrand, E.H., Ferrer, E., Bunge, S.A., Weiner, K.S.
Journal of Neuroscience
Is there an association between tuber involvement of the Fusiform Face Area in Autism diagnosis?
Weiner, K.S., Willbrand, E.H.
Annals of Neurology
Hominoid-specific sulcal variability is related to face perception ability
Parker, B.J., Voorhies, W.I., Jiahui, G., Miller, J.A., Willbrand, E.H., Hallock, T., Furl, N., Garrido, L., Duchaine, B., Weiner, K.S.
Brain Structure and Function
Functionally and structurally distinct fusiform face area(s) in over 1000 participants
Chen, X., Liu, X., Parker, B.J., Zhen, Z., Weiner, K.S.
Neuroanatomical correlates of emotion-related impulsivity
Elliott, M.V., Esmail, S.A.S., Weiner, K.S., Johnson, S.L.
Biological Psychiatry
Distinct population and single-neuron selectivity for executive and episodic
processing in human dorsal posterior cingulate
Aponik-Gremillion, L., Chen, Y.Y. , Bartoli, E., Koslov, S.R., Rey, H.G., Weiner, K.S., Yoshor, D., Hayden, B.Y., Sheth, S.A., Foster, B.F.
Unfolding the evolution of human cognition
Miller, J.A., Weiner, K.S.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Presence or absence of a prefrontal sulcus is linked to reasoning performance during child development
Willbrand, E.H., Voorhies, W.I, Yao, J.K., Weiner, K.S., Bunge, S.A.
Brain Structure and Function
Uncovering a tripartite landmark in posterior cingulate cortex
Willbrand, E.H., Parker, B.J., Voorhies, W.I, Miller, J.A., Lyu, I.,
Hallock, T., Aponik-Gremillion, L., Koslov, S.R., Bunge, S.A., Foster, B.L., Weiner, K.S.
Science Advances
Sulcal depth in prefrontal cortex: A novel predictor of working memory performance
Yao, J.K., Voorhies, W.I, Miller, J.A., Bunge, S.A., Weiner, K.S.
Cerebral Cortex
The Retrocalcarine Sulcus Is
Functionally Distinct Between Macaques and Humans
Arcaro, M., Livingstone, M.S., Kay, K.N, Weiner, Weiner, K.S. Brain Structure and Function
Third Visual Pathway, Anatomy, and Cognition
across Species
Weiner, K.S. , Gomez, J. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Overlooked Tertiary
Sulci Serve as a Meso-Scale Link between Microstructural and Functional Properties of Human Lateral
Prefrontal Cortex
Miller, J.A., Voorhies, W.I., Lurie, D.J., D'Esposito, M., Weiner, K.S.
Journal of Neuroscience
Labeling lateral prefrontal sulci using
spherical data augmentation and context-aware training
Lyu, I., Bao, S., Hao, L., Yao, J., Miller, J.A., Voorhies, W., Taylor,
W.D., Bunge, S.A., Weiner, K.S., Landman, B.A. NeuroImage
Sulcal Depth in the Medial Ventral
Temporal Cortex Predicts the Location of a Place-Selective Region in Macaques, Children, and
Natu, V.S., Arcaro, M.J., Barnett, M.A., Gomez, J., Livingstone, M.,
Grill-Spector, K., Weiner, K.S. Cerebral Cortex
Dr. Thomas John Weiner: veternarian,
scientist, and humanitarian
dies at 68.
Weiner, K.S., Weiner, C.M., Weiner, B.L. Burlington County Times
Automatic labeling of cortical sulci using spherical convolutional neural networks in a developmental cohort
Hao, L., Bao, S., Tang, Y., Gao, R., Parvathaneni, P., Miller, J.A., Voorhies, W., Yao, J., Bunge, S.A., Weiner, K.S., Landman, B.A., Lyu, I. 2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)
Ultra-high-resolution fMRI of Human
Ventral Temporal Cortex Reveals Differential Representation of Categories and Domains
Margalit, E., Jamison, K.W., Weiner, K.S., Vizoli, L., Zhang, R., Kay, K.N.,
Grill-Spector, K. The Journal of Neuroscience
Combined Neural Tuning in Human Ventral
Temporal Cortex Resolves the Perceptual Ambiguity of Morphed 2D Images
Rosenke, M., Davidenko, N., Grill-Spector, K., Weiner, K.S. Cerebral
Diverse Temporal Dynamics of Repetition
Suppression Revealed by Intracranial Recordings in the Human Ventral Temporal Cortex
Rangarajan, V., Jacques, C., Knight, R.T., Weiner, K.S., Grill-Spector,
K. Cerebral Cortex
The Cognitive Neuroanatomy of Human Ventral
Occipitotemporal Cortex
Weiner, K.S., Yeatman, J.D. The Cognitive Neurosciences, 6th ed.
Sulcal morphology of ventral temoral
cortex is shared between humans and other homonoids
Miller, J.A., Voorhies, W.I., Rraghuram I., Palomero-Gallagher N., Zilles
K., Sherwood, C.C., Hopkins, W.D., Weiner, K.S. Scientific Reports
Cytoarchitecture of Domain-specific Regions in Human High-level Visual Cortex.
Weiner, K.S.*, Barnett, M.A.*, Lorenz, S., Caspers, J., Stigliani, A.,
Amunts, K., Zilles, K., Fischl, B., Grill-Spector, K. Cerebral Cortex
Functional Neuroanatomy of Human Face Perception.
Grill-Spector, K., Weiner, K.S., Kay, K.N., Gomez, J. Annual Review of Vision Science
proliferation in human cortex is coupled with the development of face processing.
Gomez, J., Barnett, M.A., Natu, V.S., Mezer, A., Weiner, K.S.,
Palomero-Gallagher, N., Amunts, K., Zilles, K., Grill-Spector, K. Science
Functional Neuroanatomy of Face Processing: Insights from Neuroimaging and Implications for Deep
Grill-Spector, K., Kay, K.N., Weiner, K.S. Deep Learning for Biometrics:
Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
the most probable location of the parahippocampal place area using cortex-based alignment and
Weiner, K.S., Barnett, M.A., Witthoft, N., Golarai, G., Stigliani, A., Kay,
K.N., Gomez, J. Natu, V.S., Amunts, K., Zilles, K., Grill-Spector, K. NeuroImage
cross-validated cytoarchitectonic atlas of the human ventral visual stream.
Rosenke, M., Weiner, K.S., Barnett, M.A., Zilles, K., Amunts, K., Goebel, R.,
Grill-Spector, K. Neuroimage
Data on a
cytoarchitectonic brain atlas: effects of brain template and a comparison to a multimodal atlas.
Rosenke, M., Weiner, K.S., Barnett, M.A., Zilles, K., Amunts, K., Goebel, R.,
Grill-Spector, K. Data in Brief
Task alters
category representations in prefrontal but not high-level visual cortex.
Bugatus, L., Weiner, K.S., Grill-Spector, K. Neuroimage
Occipital White Matter Tracts in Human
and Macaque
Takemura, H., Pestilli, F., Weiner, K.S., Keliris, G.A., Landi, S.M., Sliwa,
J., Ye, F.Q., Barnett, M.A., Leopold, D.A., Freiwald, W.A., Logothetis, N.K., Wandell, B.A. Cerebral Cortex
anatomical and functional specialization of the fusiform gyrus
Weiner, K.S., & Zilles, K. Neuropsychologia
The face
processing network is resilient to focal resection of human visual cortex.
Weiner, K.S., Jonas, J., Gomez, J., Maillard, L., Brissart, H., Hossu, G.,
Jacques, C., Loftus, D., Colnat-Coulbois, S., Stigliani, A., Grill-Spector, K.*, Rossion, B.*
Journal of Neuroscience
ECoG and fMRI category-selective signals in human ventral temporal cortex.
Jacques, C.J., Witthoft, N, Weiner, K.S, , Foster, B.L., Miller, K.J.,
Hermes, D., Parvizi, J., Grill- Spector, K. Neuropsychologia
posterior arcuate fasciculus and the vertical occipital fasciculus.
Weiner, K.S., Yeatman, J., Wandell, B.A. (2016). Cortex
new cytoarchitectonic areas on the human mid-fusiform gyrus.
Lorenz, S., Weiner, K.S., Caspers, J., Mohlberg, H., Schleicher, A.,
Bludau, S., Eickhoff, S., Grill- Spector, K., Zilles, K., & Amunts, K. Cerebral Cortex
Processing Capacity in High-Level Visual Cortex is Domain Specific.
Stigliani, A., Weiner, K.S., Grill-Spector, K. Journal
of Neuroscience
evolution of face processing networks.
Weiner, K.S., Grill-Spector, K. Trends in Cognitive Sciences
reduces spatial uncertainty in human ventral temporal cortex.
Kay, K.N., Weiner, K.S., Grill-Spector, K. Current Biology
(ab)normality: Einstein’s fusiform gyrus.
Weiner, K.S. Brain and Cognition
vertical occipital fasciculus: A century of controversy resolved by in vivo measurements.
Yeatman, J.D.*, Weiner, K.S.*, Pestilli, F., Rokem, A., Mezer, A., and
Wandell, B.A. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Stimulation of the Left and Right Human Fusiform Gyrus Causes Different Effects in Conscious
Face Perception.
Rangarajan, V., Hermes, D., Foster, B.L., Weiner, K.S., Jacques, C,
Grill-Spector, K., Parvizi, J. Journal of Neuroscience.
functional architecture of the ventral temporal cortex and its role in categorization.
Grill-Spector, K., Weiner, K.S. Nature Reviews Neuroscience
brains and a forgotten theory.
Weiner, K.S. Nature
mid-fusiform sulcus: A landmark identifying both cytoarchitectonic and functional divisions of
human ventral temporal cortex
Weiner, K.S., Golarai, G., Caspers, J., Chuapoco, M.R., Mohlberg, H.,
Zilles, K., Amunts, K., Grill-Spector, K. NeuroImage
Electrical Stimulation
of Human Fusiform Face-Selective Regions Distorts Face Perception.
Parvizi, J., Jacques, C., Foster, B.L., Witthoft, N., Rangarajan,
V., Weiner, K.S., Grill-Spector, K. Journal of Neuroscience
improbable simplicity of the fusiform face area.
Weiner, K.S., Grill-Spector, K. Trends in Cognitive
upon repetition: One or multiple neural mechanisms?
Weiner, K.S., Grill-Spector, K. Cognitive Neuroscience
Heterogeneity in Posterior Parietal Cortex Across Attention and Episodic Memory
Hutchinson, J.B., Weiner, K.S., Bressler, D.W., Silver, M.A.,
Preston, A.R., Wagner, A.D. Cerebral Cortex
representations of faces and limbs neighbor in human high-level visual cortex: evidence for
a new organization principle.
Weiner, K.S., Grill-Spector, K. Psychological Research
of visual motion elicited by electrical stimulation of human MT complex.
Rauschecker, A.M., Dastjerdi, M., Weiner, K.S., Witthoft, N., Chen,
J., Selimbeyoglu, A., Parvizi, J. PLoS One
one extrastriate body area: Using anatomical landmarks, hMT+, and visual field maps to
parcellate limb-selective activations in human lateral occipitotemporal cortex.
Weiner, K.S., Grill-Spector, K. Neuroimage
organization of face and limb activations in human ventral temporal cortex.
Weiner, K.S., Grill-Spector, K. Neuroimage
and category selectivity in human ventral temporal cortex: Regional differences across time
Weiner, KS., Sayres, R., Vinberg J., Grill-Spector, K. Journal of
Before 2010
Representations of Faces and Body Parts in Macaque and Human Cortex: A Comparative fMRI
Pinsk, M.A., Arcaro, M.J., Weiner, K.S., Kalkus, J.F., Inati,
S.J., Gross, C.G., and Kastner, S. Journal of Neurophysiology
Maps in Human Frontal Cortex Revealed in Memory-Guided Saccade and Spatial
Working-Memory Tasks.
Kastner, S., DeSimone, K., Konen, C.S.,Szczepanski, S.M., Weiner,
K.S., and Schneider, K.A. Journal of Neurophysiology